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Research Overview

NOTS Researchers


NOTS Researchers - Working Hard To Improve Patients Outcomes

Research continues to be an important part of NOTS...
According to the National Institutes of Health, research is defined as a “systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.”

Using a multidisciplinary approach, we focus on trauma-related research. Our goal is to work collaboratively to improve trauma patient outcomes and to decrease mortality and morbidity.

Annual Reports


NOTS Mechanism of Injury


In order to help evaluate the NOTS regional data for the annual report, in regards to mechanism of injury, NOTS has developed their own mechanism on injuries categories. All NOTS hospitals pick a NOTS mechanism when coding a chart on top of the ICD 10 external cause codes needed for state, NTDB and TQIP.

This helps our data specialist review injury mechanism for the region. This helps the most with falls, we have recognized that falls with ICD 10 have many codes and can become very specific. For example, the NOTS fall categories are same level fall, greater than 10 feet, less than 10 feet, and not further specified (NFS).



Posted: 11/29/2022

Description:We hypothesized that patients with advance directives limiting care (ADLC) compared to those without ADLC are more likely to undergo withdrawal of life-sustaining support.

Posted: 3/1/2022

Description:Develop and implement a multiregion Injury Severity Score follow-up feedback protocol for transferring facilities to receive standardized information on patient treatment.

Posted: 4/21/2015

Description: Non-operative management of hemodynamically stable patients with blunt splenic injury (BSI) has become the standard of care.

Posted: 4/21/2015

Description: The following abstract was accepted for presentation at the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST). It will be presented in January 2014 at the yearly meeting.

Posted: 4/21/2015

Description: The practice of repeating computed tomography (re-CT) is common among trauma patients transferred between hospitals incurring additional cost and radiation exposure.

Posted: 4/17/2015

Description: The literature surrounding pediatric burns has focused on inpatient management.

Posted: 8/17/2012

Description: In-house Direct Supervision by an Attending with Blunt Splenic Injury.

Posted: 8/17/2012

Description: Continued rationale of why hospital mortality is not an appropriate measure of trauma outcomes

Posted: 8/29/2011

Description: The purpose of this study was to evaluate long-term mortality after trauma, and to determine risk factors and possible disparities related to mortality after hospital discharge.

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NOTS 15th Annual Trauma Symposium will be Monday, October 13, 2025.

Hope to see you there!

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Cleveland Clinic
Metro Health
Southwest General
University Hospitals